Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Note from our Room Mom

Hello Parents!

My name is Lauren Bedford, and I am Mrs. Patz and your child’s room parent. I am so excited to have this opportunity to help Mrs. Patz and make sure your child has some fun during the school year.

We will be having three parties this year. The Winter Party is on December 17th, our Valentine’s party is on February 14th and our End of Year Celebration is on June 2nd. As these dates draw near, I will be sending home information on how you can be of help in making these parties lots of fun and a huge success for our children.

Another part of my duties as room parent is to help make sure that Mrs. Patz’s needs are being met. Along with needing volunteers to help with the photocopying, Thursday folders, etc. Mrs. Patz will also have some special needs for other specific projects. I will send home notices throughout the year when a need arises. Please remember that in order for you to be able to volunteer, attend class parties or go on field trips, you will need to have a background check approval done. You can go to and under the Student and Parents tab you will see the Volunteer Form. Click on this and then click on Access FISD Parent Volunteer Application. You may also use the computer in the front office at school to fill out a Volunteer Form. Please note that you will not hear back from FISD that you have been approved. If there is a problem, you will be contacted.

If you have not yet joined the PTA, I plead with you to do so ASAP. The PTA is such a big part of your child’s learning experience. Your membership is so important, as without your help, our PTA would not be able to function to its full capacity.

I look forward to getting to know you and your child this year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email or you may call me. Please remember that any information you give me is confidential and will not be shared with anyone. Feel free to contact me by email anytime -

Thank you in advance for your support.

Lauren Bedford
Room Parent
Mrs. Patz’s Kindergarten Class

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