Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Our Five Senses

Happy Birthday, Braden!

Sorry!  It's been a busy week and I haven't had a chance to update the blog.  First off, Monday we celebrated Braden's birthday!!  Hooray!
Today we are headed to the library!  Every Wednesday afternoon we go to the library to check in and check out books.  Please help your child to remember their library books so they can get a new one. 
This week we are busy rhyming, writing and learning all about our Five senses.  Ask your child to rhyme with you:
bell-smell are rhyming words, I said bell-smell are rhyming words (this is a little chant we sing everytime we hear a rhyming word).  Sing the yellow song- 

Last week we learned the orange song!

We are working hard on learning all about our centers and tub work so we can soon start rotating through them on our own.  After conferences, Mrs. Patz will start guided reading.  It is important that your child continues to work on the correct letter formation and uses both capital and lower case letters while writing.  When we write in our journals each day, we are making sure we have lots of detail in our picture.  They have to include a character, setting and event.  here are a few examples:


Ok, I haven't quite figured out why these pics are sideways so sorry!  I'll be working on that!
Field trip money and permission slips are due by Friday, September 17th.  Thank you! 
A lot of you have asked about things we need...I have added a WISH LIST at the side of the blog if you can help!  Thank you!

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