Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Johnny Appleseed

This week we are continuing our unit on apples.  We are learning about Johnny Appleseed and why he was important.  Ask your child to sing the Johnny Appleseed song for you!
We are working hard on sounding out words and blending letters together to make words.  We do this through daily journaling.  During this time, the students are expected to draw a detailed illustration including the setting, characters, and event.  After illustrating their picture, they have to try and sound out the words to write a sentence or two about their picture.  We are learning that our words have to match our picture. Our word wall words are purple, to and in. 
We are learning the color purple this week.  Here is a picture of the song chart.    We are working on patterns in math.  Ask your child to make an AB, AABB, ABC, AAB pattern for you.  In science we are exploring apples.  We made a tree map of what an apple looks like, feels like, taste like, sounds like and smells like.
We will complete an Apple report book, have a taste test of things made from apples and we will be making applesauce on Friday!
Can't wait to meet with all of you on Monday, October 11th for parent-teacher conferences!

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