Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A look at our week

Language Arts: it is so very important to read with your child each night and sign their folder. A writing journal at home would be beneficial as well!

-working on blends and digraphs ( you can practice this chart in the reading folder)
-word wall words: like, ten, my, see
-In writing, we are working on forming sentences. As they begin to write multiple sentences, we are discussing staying on topic. I am asking you t to encourage your child to sound words out. They have the letter/sound foundation and should be using this to sound out words. This is also a good time to stop and review "rules". Such as the pincher sound in -OU and -OW, ing brothers are ing, bossy r is -ar. Ask your child about some of the phonics rules we have learned so far.
We are continuing to work on Questioning as we read stories. They stop me ask questions before, during and the end of the story. We go back to them and see if the book covered them after we read.
Math: 3D shapes, calendar, even and odd, counting by 5's, 10's and 2's.
Science: rocks and minerals- what is made from these??

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