Sunday, March 3, 2013

A look at this week...

Poetry: Animals on the Farm
Word Work: building and writing high frequency words.
Phonics: Blending sounds in words. Students will create their own board and play bingo as the teacher blends sounds to make a word.
Writing Block:   I can write on a topic.
Reading Block :  I can compare stories I read.

*Students will create their farm animal and what products come from that animal for the bridge map.
*Read Mrs. Wishy Washy and students will cut and paste characters, setting, *
*Students will sort things that are living and nonliving on a farm. Then students will write in Down on the Farm Book and write about their 5 senses and what they see/hear etc on the farm.
and events. Use a tree map and talk about Character, Setting and event.

Math:  I can use math words to compare sizes of sets.
*Students will create their farm animal using shapes.

Science Vocabulary: 
Students should be able to plan, conduct, and evaluate an investigation.
Balance: a weighing device
Predict: the act of predicting; something foretold or predicted
Hypothesis: a tentative explanation for an observation; or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.
Procedure: a series of steps taken to accomplish an end
Conclusion: the end or finish
Read Chickens Aren't the Only Ones and make a circle map of animals that are oviparous
We will also do an egg experiement!  Results to come...

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