Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

What a wonderful 1st day of Kindergarten we had! I was so impressed by their good hallway and classroom behavior. We spent a lot of time today practicing routines and rules of our school. They did an excellent job of following directions. We will continue to work on this all week...well, probably all year! My class splits up for specials time so please check your child's red folder for their schedule. We made a circle map of things we do to get ready for kindergarten and completed it with a class book. Look for these to be coming home soon! We also made a circle map about Math and discussed what our manipulatives are used for. In science, we are discussing recycling.
**ATTENTION** We have some peanut allergies in our classroom so I am asking that everyone pack snacks that do not contain peanuts or peanut butter. Thank you for understanding!
**Please make sure you send a snack separtely from their lunch so they don't get confused. Write their name on their snacks so we can keep them separated.
I am looking forward to another exciting day with your kiddos! Get some rest, we have another busy day tomorrow!

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