Sunday, August 29, 2010

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

I am so excited about the excitement of learning I've seen so far! Your kids are so enthusiastic and I LOVE it!
Our Poem of the week was Jack Be Nimble. With this we learned all of our friends names! We will continue to work on rules and procedures of our classroom. In Language, we are working on letter sounds, rhyming and forming the letters in our name correctly. This is with 1 capital and the rest lower case letters. You can help them at home too!
In Math, we read Chrysanthemum and discussed how many letters were in our name. We will continue to work with our names this week and make graphs. We are also working on forming the numbers 1-10 correctly. We use number rhymes to help form them. Ask your child to tell you one! A straight line down is lots of fun, thats the way to make a one! After reading, How do Dinosaurs Get To School? We graphed how we get to school and found out most of us get to school in a car. The least was walkers. Look for pictures to come...I'm learning how to do this whole "blog thing."
In Science, we focused on recycling and sorted our trash. Thanks for sending in all of the wonderful recyclable items. Paper had the most! We also found out they burn the metal to reuse and make new cans. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!!
Just a few reminders- Please make sure your child:
*Has an extra change of clothes in their backpack (with underwear)
*Brings a snack each day labeled with their NAME on it
*Brings their RED folder back each day.

I look forward to seeing all of you on Thursday, September 2 for curriculum night at 6:30-7:15 in our classroom. I will share a day in the life of your kindergartner!
Thanks for sharing your babies with me. Mrs. Patz

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