Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Apples, Apples and more Apples!

We have officially started our fall themes!  We will need each student to bring in an apple of any kind on next Monday, October 4th.  As we focus on apples this week and next we will explore many different aspects of apples.  We will be:
*Reading poetry about apples
*Life cycle of apples
*Johnny Appleseed
*Living and Non-living
*Parts of an apple
*Things that come from apples
*Making Applesauce
*Writing and Illustrating focusing on the character, setting and event
*Problem solving with addition and subtraction using UPS check
*patterning and sorting
*continuing to work on recognizing and spelling word wall words to the right on our blog
*Handwriting- work on the correct formation of letters in both upper and lower case letters
*syllables- clapping out the number of syllables in words
*Beginning sounds of words
WOW!  We are very busy in Kindergarten.  Thank you for keeping up with our blog.

Lindsey is holding up her RED daily folder to help me remind everyone how important it is to bring it back daily.  This is your child's way of communicating their behavior to you  as well as gaining that responsibility to bring it to and from school each day.

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